Saturday, January 28, 2012

Tom Blackwood,Leader of the Satanic nothing

After taking a long and successful business trip, I have found that nothing has changed - and that the Bane of Satanism is still busy being an idiot.. I noticed that during my absence, the idiot known as Tom Erik Raspotnik, aka Tom Blackwood/Blobtard has claimed that he was recently ELECTED leader of all of Theistic Satanism. This is something that upon hearing, I almost died of laughter. Upon investigation of this claim, I found that such an act never took place, except maybe in the deluded mind of his royal largeness. As he has a site with 64 members, and nothing but paid for 'hits' on his illiterate blog, idiotic videos, and etc... I doubt anyone but his own brainwashed sheep voted him anything. Put up, or shut up fucktard. Another point of contention in his idiocy, is his attacks against people who do not show their face - which I find hilarious, seeing as every picture of him, such as the one that I have on his enemy listing, is denied as accurate. The nice thing about my pic of his nasty ass, is that on the van next to him, you can make out his temples of god bumper sticker. That's right, I said temples of god. Take note, as this moron is literally a Christian... Who else believes that their deity is going to come to earth and punish all who do not except him? You decide - - ON A SIDE NOTE - I notice that someone I have been criticizing has been saying a little more about some of the issues that I address, albeit more politely than he should - James Nicholson, finally is doing something more proactive for Satanism, although his following is apparently non-existent. Hopefully he will become more aggressive against people like Blacktard, and that just might help his cause. I joined his networking site, but have yet to see any activity except from him and another person. Hopefully - This will change soon. If not, that is what he gets for not lashing out against Blobwood. Satan's Wrath Be Upon His Enemies! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So - The Voice of Nothing, aka Tom Erik Raspotnik aka Grand Masterbaiter Blockwood, believes that he knows who I am merely because I mentioned Kemet? This has GOT to be the most paranoid man I have ever encountered. {LOOK OUT BLACKWOOD -- IM AROUND THE CORNER!!} So, you and your pre-school education level are going to debunk Kemet, and frankly the whole ancient cultures and ALL of their information HMMMM? WOW, what an all powerful raving lunatic. Perhaps, I mispoke slightly in stating that Kemet AKA Egypt is the most ancient of all civilized cultures, HOWEVER there is archeological evidence dating Kemet and its cultures dating as far back as 10,000BC. Sumer, goeas about as far back as 5,000 to 6,000BC in the Uruk period, with the only regional civilization that dates back as far as Kemet/Prehistoric Egypt being the Indus Valley Civilization. Now, I am not going to teach you everything you need to know, so march your happy ass to a computer and ACTUALLY google such things. If you search for what YOU want to read, aka - Your position being accurate, then that is all you are going to find. I tell ya, have to teach these people everything nowadays. So, your all knowing large self says to google your interviews on the History Channel and Coast to Coast Am.. Done and done, and guess what!!? Except for some disturbing pictures of you supposedly licking another mans ass, and your own overblown claims of such, there exists no footage, and there exists no audio. Now, the archiving of Art Bell's website is done somewhat poorly, so you MAY have been on his show, but then again, so has just about everyone else. And George (I wont worry about his last name, as you know who he is) always has Winter Laake on when discussing Satanism... Soundsl ike you are jealous of him Tommy-boy! After all, he gets the mentions, the book deals, and the notoriety that you have to falsely provide through paid hits, and false messages. On the subject of me being a racist? Have you ever thought of being a stand up comic? I know the site of you would frighten most people away, but those who could stomach your looks, would have a ball listening to your insanity first hand. I am the most tolerant people I know, other than you, there are very few people that I hate. Believe me Tommy boy, you have no idea who I am, and the person you think I am is completely wrong. After all, I know more about you from just observing your dumb ass, and you genuinely have no idea how much I know, and how wrong you are. I do not live in my parents basement, as I am too busy running a successful business, and taking care of my family, (something you would have no idea about, as you are not a parent, and if you were you would have no ability to see your children, and obviously you have no respect for any woman you would ever be with, so you are not a family man) and working hard in my life. The ghetto? Reverse Racism? Sounds like you are the one with racist thought process, after all, those who ARE racist, are the first to play the race card. Thank you for your attempt to debate, however you are lacking in any depth, and overflowing with paranoid schizophrenia. As for your decision to simply slam Damien BlackThorn and his book, I say to you - SMOOTH MOVE MORON. There have already been people who have reviewed it, that actually have reader bases within Satanism and the occult. Instead of false advertising, at least they are honest. For those of you who are curious as to this part of my little rant, ol'lard ass, decided to attack Damien's book. Simply because it has some grammatical errors and the like, does not make it trash. Besides, just look at what Tom writes!! I have seen better work come from a third grader!! To read a decent review of Damien Blackthorn's book, Biblicus Satanicus Vol 1, please visit this link: So to you Blockhead, I say, BRAVO!! You made an ass out of yourself, and wasted precious resources that Satan needs for REAL work -- YOU ARE AN IDIOT! Is that why you blocked me on Facebook? Too insecure to debate someone in person? Guess it shows you are more afraid of people than you like to let others think --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BREAKING NEWS - Tom Blackwood runs 'yet again' with tail tightly tucked between his legs and ego tattered.. Well it is not breaking news, but rather a REPEAT PERFORMANCE. In his latest challenge, he did nothing but brag about having paid blog services, and then took pot shots at someone else's writing. Stating things such as 'this is written so bad I can destroy it in a minute' and 'I can debate anyone at any time'. These statements have proven false, as he has run away from myself on Facebook, and has done the same from anyone else in Satanism who has confronted him. Tom Blocky-wood is perfectly powerful, when sitting behind is computer in his Parents basement, clutching their Bank Card in his greasy little hand. Ok, perhaps this is going to far, we ALL know he doesn't live with his parents, after all, they sold the forklift they used to transport him from place to place. So lardo, just exactly WHAT are you doing for Satanism? Where is this grand Temple you have been extorting money for? Where is you revolutionary books? OH WAIT --- It's all illiterate 1st grader mumbo jumbo! Sure, he drags on and on about Sumer, (YEAH dip shit, by the way, that is how you spell the actual empire's name - and you wonder why no one things of you as anything more than a mongoloid) but yet fails to realize the significance of any other ancient people. Now, I am not going to get into a Theological pissing match with someone who is far inferior to me, however I can say that there is evidence suggesting that Kemet has older sites and dates than Sumer - However, I do not expect his royal moron-ness to even think about anything other than his Abrahamic obsession. Did he forget that supposedly Abraham himself came from the Sumerian lands? I would imagine he did, however what he knows is so miniscule, that it isn't relevant. Recently he decided he was going to attack my little blog, and claim that he wishes he could have it removed. Apparently no one is allowed to expose his dumb ass, without his overbearing need to be a dictator, kicking in, and making him act as some big shit. Does he not realize that HIS blog should be removed? OR does he think that his verbal harassment, and threats are somehow better than everyone else? FREEDOM OF SPEECH IS PARAMOUNT - Or are you to much of a Right Wing Lunatic to allow such people their rights? MS Raspotdick, you are not above the law, you are not a leader, you are merely a shepherd - Have fun in your dingy van (as seen in the picture I obtained and is located here while you attempt to gouge the Satanic and Occult community with your inane ramblings on eBay (You claim to be a world renown, and super duper powerful adept huh? SURE you are --) and your $1500 spells. You may wish to grow the fuck up Blobwood, as you are and for ever shall be the worst fraud in Satanism. Anyone who gives you money should be put in a mental institution -- May Satan Fulfill His Anger Upon You - HAIL SATAN!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cry Some More Blobtard As I have taken a break from writing against the Blacktard of Satanism, I am again taking up the banner of Truth against his idiocy. He has recently been playing the game of Harassment, and stupidity against people - even claiming that he has been on Coast to Coast AM, the History Channel, and other aspects of the media -- In searching for these, one finds them to be nonexistent. This is to be expected as this moron will say anything to get more sheep to follow him - Even when there is NOTHING to back up his claims. Tom Raspotnik, is the court jester of Satanism, and that is giving him CREDIT. Some have said him to be a Christian, and personally I think that is a more accurate description of him - Taking the evangelical, fanatical views of Christianity, and changing the wording to make it appear Satanic. This is not something that a respectable Satanist should ever be caught doing, however Blobtard is not Respectable. I have read page after page of his claims of being the head hancho of Satanism, the voice of Satan, and having the most powerful magic and group on the planet. Hate to tell you this you Billy Graham wanna-be, YOU will never be the leader of Satanism, you will NEVER be anything more than a detracting freak show that takes any credibility that Satanism could ever gain. You are the most childish, insolent, and incredulously stupid person in the Satanic Community today. Druwydion Pendragon, although not even close to what I believe, and in my opinion a little kooky, is at LEAST not trying to make himself look like the great and powerful nerd of Satanism. You Blacktard are nothing more than the pawn of Christendom - taking the power of the Satanist, and using it to further the goals of the Returning King, (a theological platform that is ALL Christianity - so stick that in your twinky and eat it dumbass) using Joy of Satan style material to make it appear ancient, and reigning over your little mongoloid minions with a fist of jello pudding. You will NOT have a good time when Satan truly decides to deal with you - It is not far off -- After all, anyone who threatens the children of the world, is one of the lowest pieces of SHIT I will ever see. By the way, I though you said that this was the Summer of Blood? So far Nicholson and others you claimed would be bulldozed are doing just fine -- While you have to keep egging people on to get anywhere -- Typical moron -- Needs to fight to get through the day - Too bad he doesnt realize he is out matched at every turn -- I pity you tubby -- For Satan will not be as Kind to you as you think He is -- HAIL SATAN! HIS WILL BE DONE!----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cry Some More Blobtard As I have taken a break from writing against the Blacktard of Satanism, I am again taking up the banner of Truth against his idiocy. He has recently been playing the game of Harassment, and stupidity against people - even claiming that he has been on Coast to Coast AM, the History Channel, and other aspects of the media -- In searching for these, one finds them to be nonexistent. This is to be expected as this moron will say anything to get more sheep to follow him - Even when there is NOTHING to back up his claims. Tom Raspotnik, is the court jester of Satanism, and that is giving him CREDIT. Some have said him to be a Christian, and personally I think that is a more accurate description of him - Taking the evangelical, fanatical views of Christianity, and changing the wording to make it appear Satanic. This is not something that a respectable Satanist should ever be caught doing, however Blobtard is not Respectable. I have read page after page of his claims of being the head hancho of Satanism, the voice of Satan, and having the most powerful magic and group on the planet. Hate to tell you this you Billy Graham wanna-be, YOU will never be the leader of Satanism, you will NEVER be anything more than a detracting freak show that takes any credibility that Satanism could ever gain. You are the most childish, insolent, and incredulously stupid person in the Satanic Community today. Druwydion Pendragon, although not even close to what I believe, and in my opinion a little kooky, is at LEAST not trying to make himself look like the great and powerful nerd of Satanism. You Blacktard are nothing more than the pawn of Christendom - taking the power of the Satanist, and using it to further the goals of the Returning King, (a theological platform that is ALL Christianity - so stick that in your twinky and eat it dumbass) using Joy of Satan style material to make it appear ancient, and reigning over your little mongoloid minions with a fist of jello pudding. You will NOT have a good time when Satan truly decides to deal with you - It is not far off -- After all, anyone who threatens the children of the world, is one of the lowest pieces of SHIT I will ever see. By the way, I though you said that this was the Summer of Blood? So far Nicholson and others you claimed would be bulldozed are doing just fine -- While you have to keep egging people on to get anywhere -- Typical moron -- Needs to fight to get through the day - Too bad he doesnt realize he is out matched at every turn -- I pity you tubby -- For Satan will not be as Kind to you as you think He is -- HAIL SATAN! HIS WILL BE DONE!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Nothing of Theistic Satanism - Having a Circus Just recently the Satanic Court Jester - (He wants to claim part of Satan's Kingdom, so that is the only position within it available to him) has decided to orchestrate the largest selling of wolf tickets I have ever seen. This slimy creature has decided to supposedly leave his troops of Mongoloids to their own devices, and I tell ya - not a pleasant site. Satan is not pleased in the least that one of the tard clergy is a rumored child porn collector. However, old Tommy boy aint got a problem letting them in his super powerful troops of nothing. In the same breath of claiming someone within the Temples of Satan will take up his work (which was shotty and shitty at its best) we see him claiming to be the Undisputed Leader of Theistic Satanism. Well, as the saying goes, if you need to brag about something to make it real - then you never had it at all. How can someone that the entire community despises, (except for a few wayward retards who fill the TOS ranks) even try to be the leader of anything? It is preposterous to see him label himself as such. Then he claims that his so called Temple gave him that title. To that I say HORSE SHIT. I have sources within the Temple of Satan, and believe me I know what you are doing. ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY NOTHING. Satan has about had enough of your meandering garbage, and you illiterate rants. You DARE tell me to check my grammar you fat Christian, HOW ABOUT YOU READ YOUR OWN WORK. Dumb ass bastard. AS you go on your little "I have money" tirades, and "Everyone that disagrees with me is mental or just plain stupid" Satan is watching what you are doing. Claiming you spend 26 hours in meditations, and in prayer. Claiming to be getting grand visions of how important your dumb ass is going to be. To start groups that are prepared for the economic days ahead - I ask you this Tom Erik Raspotdick - How you would you,someone with no magical presence, and the blood of Innocent animals on your hands, know ANYTHING about Satan and His Goals? You are nothing more than a 4 year old throwing a fit, all because you lost those who COULD stand up for you loudly. Now that they are doing more for Satan than you ever could, you are trying to make some big secret operations and super inner circles show up with some sort of power. You are indeed a retard - and the more you talk, the more you show this. I dont need to type a 300 page long answer to your dumb ass - merely calling you a retard is answer enough. Sad thing is, there are enough newcomers in Satanism who will fall for your trap - and then wish like Hell they had never met your Holier than Thou self. HAIL SATAN--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Aw - Mrs. Blockwood Has Money Now that the Grand Masterbater in Satanism has decided to post another semi-understandable cinchcast today. This slovenly little amoeba, feels he still is the Leader of Theistic Satanism. As his moronic voice rings over the web, he is already claiming that he will supposedly attack me for copyright infringement. While this makes him sound as if he knows a sliver of anything, the problem with his idiotic statement, is the work used was used as reference. This fat coward, while sitting in the back of his Molestermobile, is thinking he has anything he can do to stop me from posting these things about him. Obviously, his attempt to discredit me in the way of calling me fat, welfare, or as far as hating my life, show he is scared of me. Of course, he THINKS I am sitting in a destitute position, because he is merely destitute of mind. He hates people that are smarter than him, or threaten his non-existent control over Theistic Satanism. Satan cares not about your wealth or your false accomplishments. The Temples of Satan does not run itself, as YOU are the only one writing about it, or speaking for it. You have no underground super secret clergy list - there is no massive army of Mongoloids for you to call upon. You are alone - save for the sheep you have bluffed with your bullshit. To The TOS Membership Just wait and see - as you come to know Blobwood, you will see his true colors. Just ask ANY of his ex-clergy. They all say the same thing. He is a Magical weakling, cowering behind grand statements and the only thing that saves his ass from those he pisses off is his on the move business. There is not ONE person he does not talk bad about behind their back. Whether they be someone who has lost a loved one, (his statements reportedly around those times are - they need to move on and get over it) or someone whom is overweight (whom he will inevitably begin talking bad about behind their back). This lying coward is a user of people, just like the Christians he models himself after. Blabberwood does not have the power to shut any website down. This is proven by the sheer MASS amounts of negative information about him, which STRONGLY out weighs any positive trash he has written and bloated with fake rankings. HE has done nothing for Satan, but smear his name. HE has not moved forward even the tiniest step towards building his Shrine to Blackwood. This SCUM will never move forward in Satanism, he will remain the 'Satanic Christian ' till the day his arteries clog and he finally leaves this world. What a party that will be my fellow Satanists - Something to note, is his apparent disdain for the average person. This is as un-Satanic as it gets. This pig belittles anyone for their monetary status, yet he would be even more worthless without his money. The only thing his money has done for him is expose his stupidity on a larger scale. His claims of his 'church' being able to do rituals etc because of them being a church is idiotic. ANY SATANIST CAN WRITE A RITUAL. ANY SATANIST CAN DO WHAT BLOCKWOOD DOES. He obviously doesnt think the author knows anything though, which is fine, as he will never know what I know. Untill of course, I release the information. After all, he doesnt even have the mental brainpower to realize that even the dumbest ape on a computer can find out that his Super Church is not even REGISTERED to recieve donations. Well, now that that is out of the bag - what about the rings his dumb ass would have to jump through? His taxes would be more than he could handle if the paper work is done right - otherwise, he is now just another Religious scam artist. Then again, who would give money to that retard anyway.... Chambermaiden does, then again, that is a fake profile of yours isnt it Tommy Blobwood? Have fun in the squalor your lies have put you into - You are being destroyed by someone who has not partaken in your scheme, but has watched you from the shadows long enough to know one thing - nothing you say will happen.... Your next step will be to remove, or change wording... Delete statements, or claim you have some form of investigation going on against your enemy -- well guess what!! When I am still here, and nothing happens - your dumb ass will look like the kid who got caught in the kitchen - reaching for the cookie jar. Enjoy your punishment fucktard - Satan takes no prisoners. HAIL SATAN

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