Saturday, January 28, 2012

Tom Blackwood,Leader of the Satanic nothing

After taking a long and successful business trip, I have found that nothing has changed - and that the Bane of Satanism is still busy being an idiot.. I noticed that during my absence, the idiot known as Tom Erik Raspotnik, aka Tom Blackwood/Blobtard has claimed that he was recently ELECTED leader of all of Theistic Satanism. This is something that upon hearing, I almost died of laughter. Upon investigation of this claim, I found that such an act never took place, except maybe in the deluded mind of his royal largeness. As he has a site with 64 members, and nothing but paid for 'hits' on his illiterate blog, idiotic videos, and etc... I doubt anyone but his own brainwashed sheep voted him anything. Put up, or shut up fucktard. Another point of contention in his idiocy, is his attacks against people who do not show their face - which I find hilarious, seeing as every picture of him, such as the one that I have on his enemy listing, is denied as accurate. The nice thing about my pic of his nasty ass, is that on the van next to him, you can make out his temples of god bumper sticker. That's right, I said temples of god. Take note, as this moron is literally a Christian... Who else believes that their deity is going to come to earth and punish all who do not except him? You decide - - ON A SIDE NOTE - I notice that someone I have been criticizing has been saying a little more about some of the issues that I address, albeit more politely than he should - James Nicholson, finally is doing something more proactive for Satanism, although his following is apparently non-existent. Hopefully he will become more aggressive against people like Blacktard, and that just might help his cause. I joined his networking site, but have yet to see any activity except from him and another person. Hopefully - This will change soon. If not, that is what he gets for not lashing out against Blobwood. Satan's Wrath Be Upon His Enemies! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So - The Voice of Nothing, aka Tom Erik Raspotnik aka Grand Masterbaiter Blockwood, believes that he knows who I am merely because I mentioned Kemet? This has GOT to be the most paranoid man I have ever encountered. {LOOK OUT BLACKWOOD -- IM AROUND THE CORNER!!} So, you and your pre-school education level are going to debunk Kemet, and frankly the whole ancient cultures and ALL of their information HMMMM? WOW, what an all powerful raving lunatic. Perhaps, I mispoke slightly in stating that Kemet AKA Egypt is the most ancient of all civilized cultures, HOWEVER there is archeological evidence dating Kemet and its cultures dating as far back as 10,000BC. Sumer, goeas about as far back as 5,000 to 6,000BC in the Uruk period, with the only regional civilization that dates back as far as Kemet/Prehistoric Egypt being the Indus Valley Civilization. Now, I am not going to teach you everything you need to know, so march your happy ass to a computer and ACTUALLY google such things. If you search for what YOU want to read, aka - Your position being accurate, then that is all you are going to find. I tell ya, have to teach these people everything nowadays. So, your all knowing large self says to google your interviews on the History Channel and Coast to Coast Am.. Done and done, and guess what!!? Except for some disturbing pictures of you supposedly licking another mans ass, and your own overblown claims of such, there exists no footage, and there exists no audio. Now, the archiving of Art Bell's website is done somewhat poorly, so you MAY have been on his show, but then again, so has just about everyone else. And George (I wont worry about his last name, as you know who he is) always has Winter Laake on when discussing Satanism... Soundsl ike you are jealous of him Tommy-boy! After all, he gets the mentions, the book deals, and the notoriety that you have to falsely provide through paid hits, and false messages. On the subject of me being a racist? Have you ever thought of being a stand up comic? I know the site of you would frighten most people away, but those who could stomach your looks, would have a ball listening to your insanity first hand. I am the most tolerant people I know, other than you, there are very few people that I hate. Believe me Tommy boy, you have no idea who I am, and the person you think I am is completely wrong. After all, I know more about you from just observing your dumb ass, and you genuinely have no idea how much I know, and how wrong you are. I do not live in my parents basement, as I am too busy running a successful business, and taking care of my family, (something you would have no idea about, as you are not a parent, and if you were you would have no ability to see your children, and obviously you have no respect for any woman you would ever be with, so you are not a family man) and working hard in my life. The ghetto? Reverse Racism? Sounds like you are the one with racist thought process, after all, those who ARE racist, are the first to play the race card. Thank you for your attempt to debate, however you are lacking in any depth, and overflowing with paranoid schizophrenia. As for your decision to simply slam Damien BlackThorn and his book, I say to you - SMOOTH MOVE MORON. There have already been people who have reviewed it, that actually have reader bases within Satanism and the occult. Instead of false advertising, at least they are honest. For those of you who are curious as to this part of my little rant, ol'lard ass, decided to attack Damien's book. Simply because it has some grammatical errors and the like, does not make it trash. Besides, just look at what Tom writes!! I have seen better work come from a third grader!! To read a decent review of Damien Blackthorn's book, Biblicus Satanicus Vol 1, please visit this link: So to you Blockhead, I say, BRAVO!! You made an ass out of yourself, and wasted precious resources that Satan needs for REAL work -- YOU ARE AN IDIOT! Is that why you blocked me on Facebook? Too insecure to debate someone in person? Guess it shows you are more afraid of people than you like to let others think --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BREAKING NEWS - Tom Blackwood runs 'yet again' with tail tightly tucked between his legs and ego tattered.. Well it is not breaking news, but rather a REPEAT PERFORMANCE. In his latest challenge, he did nothing but brag about having paid blog services, and then took pot shots at someone else's writing. Stating things such as 'this is written so bad I can destroy it in a minute' and 'I can debate anyone at any time'. These statements have proven false, as he has run away from myself on Facebook, and has done the same from anyone else in Satanism who has confronted him. Tom Blocky-wood is perfectly powerful, when sitting behind is computer in his Parents basement, clutching their Bank Card in his greasy little hand. Ok, perhaps this is going to far, we ALL know he doesn't live with his parents, after all, they sold the forklift they used to transport him from place to place. So lardo, just exactly WHAT are you doing for Satanism? Where is this grand Temple you have been extorting money for? Where is you revolutionary books? OH WAIT --- It's all illiterate 1st grader mumbo jumbo! Sure, he drags on and on about Sumer, (YEAH dip shit, by the way, that is how you spell the actual empire's name - and you wonder why no one things of you as anything more than a mongoloid) but yet fails to realize the significance of any other ancient people. Now, I am not going to get into a Theological pissing match with someone who is far inferior to me, however I can say that there is evidence suggesting that Kemet has older sites and dates than Sumer - However, I do not expect his royal moron-ness to even think about anything other than his Abrahamic obsession. Did he forget that supposedly Abraham himself came from the Sumerian lands? I would imagine he did, however what he knows is so miniscule, that it isn't relevant. Recently he decided he was going to attack my little blog, and claim that he wishes he could have it removed. Apparently no one is allowed to expose his dumb ass, without his overbearing need to be a dictator, kicking in, and making him act as some big shit. Does he not realize that HIS blog should be removed? OR does he think that his verbal harassment, and threats are somehow better than everyone else? FREEDOM OF SPEECH IS PARAMOUNT - Or are you to much of a Right Wing Lunatic to allow such people their rights? MS Raspotdick, you are not above the law, you are not a leader, you are merely a shepherd - Have fun in your dingy van (as seen in the picture I obtained and is located here while you attempt to gouge the Satanic and Occult community with your inane ramblings on eBay (You claim to be a world renown, and super duper powerful adept huh? SURE you are --) and your $1500 spells. You may wish to grow the fuck up Blobwood, as you are and for ever shall be the worst fraud in Satanism. Anyone who gives you money should be put in a mental institution -- May Satan Fulfill His Anger Upon You - HAIL SATAN!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cry Some More Blobtard As I have taken a break from writing against the Blacktard of Satanism, I am again taking up the banner of Truth against his idiocy. He has recently been playing the game of Harassment, and stupidity against people - even claiming that he has been on Coast to Coast AM, the History Channel, and other aspects of the media -- In searching for these, one finds them to be nonexistent. This is to be expected as this moron will say anything to get more sheep to follow him - Even when there is NOTHING to back up his claims. Tom Raspotnik, is the court jester of Satanism, and that is giving him CREDIT. Some have said him to be a Christian, and personally I think that is a more accurate description of him - Taking the evangelical, fanatical views of Christianity, and changing the wording to make it appear Satanic. This is not something that a respectable Satanist should ever be caught doing, however Blobtard is not Respectable. I have read page after page of his claims of being the head hancho of Satanism, the voice of Satan, and having the most powerful magic and group on the planet. Hate to tell you this you Billy Graham wanna-be, YOU will never be the leader of Satanism, you will NEVER be anything more than a detracting freak show that takes any credibility that Satanism could ever gain. You are the most childish, insolent, and incredulously stupid person in the Satanic Community today. Druwydion Pendragon, although not even close to what I believe, and in my opinion a little kooky, is at LEAST not trying to make himself look like the great and powerful nerd of Satanism. You Blacktard are nothing more than the pawn of Christendom - taking the power of the Satanist, and using it to further the goals of the Returning King, (a theological platform that is ALL Christianity - so stick that in your twinky and eat it dumbass) using Joy of Satan style material to make it appear ancient, and reigning over your little mongoloid minions with a fist of jello pudding. You will NOT have a good time when Satan truly decides to deal with you - It is not far off -- After all, anyone who threatens the children of the world, is one of the lowest pieces of SHIT I will ever see. By the way, I though you said that this was the Summer of Blood? So far Nicholson and others you claimed would be bulldozed are doing just fine -- While you have to keep egging people on to get anywhere -- Typical moron -- Needs to fight to get through the day - Too bad he doesnt realize he is out matched at every turn -- I pity you tubby -- For Satan will not be as Kind to you as you think He is -- HAIL SATAN! HIS WILL BE DONE!----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cry Some More Blobtard As I have taken a break from writing against the Blacktard of Satanism, I am again taking up the banner of Truth against his idiocy. He has recently been playing the game of Harassment, and stupidity against people - even claiming that he has been on Coast to Coast AM, the History Channel, and other aspects of the media -- In searching for these, one finds them to be nonexistent. This is to be expected as this moron will say anything to get more sheep to follow him - Even when there is NOTHING to back up his claims. Tom Raspotnik, is the court jester of Satanism, and that is giving him CREDIT. Some have said him to be a Christian, and personally I think that is a more accurate description of him - Taking the evangelical, fanatical views of Christianity, and changing the wording to make it appear Satanic. This is not something that a respectable Satanist should ever be caught doing, however Blobtard is not Respectable. I have read page after page of his claims of being the head hancho of Satanism, the voice of Satan, and having the most powerful magic and group on the planet. Hate to tell you this you Billy Graham wanna-be, YOU will never be the leader of Satanism, you will NEVER be anything more than a detracting freak show that takes any credibility that Satanism could ever gain. You are the most childish, insolent, and incredulously stupid person in the Satanic Community today. Druwydion Pendragon, although not even close to what I believe, and in my opinion a little kooky, is at LEAST not trying to make himself look like the great and powerful nerd of Satanism. You Blacktard are nothing more than the pawn of Christendom - taking the power of the Satanist, and using it to further the goals of the Returning King, (a theological platform that is ALL Christianity - so stick that in your twinky and eat it dumbass) using Joy of Satan style material to make it appear ancient, and reigning over your little mongoloid minions with a fist of jello pudding. You will NOT have a good time when Satan truly decides to deal with you - It is not far off -- After all, anyone who threatens the children of the world, is one of the lowest pieces of SHIT I will ever see. By the way, I though you said that this was the Summer of Blood? So far Nicholson and others you claimed would be bulldozed are doing just fine -- While you have to keep egging people on to get anywhere -- Typical moron -- Needs to fight to get through the day - Too bad he doesnt realize he is out matched at every turn -- I pity you tubby -- For Satan will not be as Kind to you as you think He is -- HAIL SATAN! HIS WILL BE DONE!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Nothing of Theistic Satanism - Having a Circus Just recently the Satanic Court Jester - (He wants to claim part of Satan's Kingdom, so that is the only position within it available to him) has decided to orchestrate the largest selling of wolf tickets I have ever seen. This slimy creature has decided to supposedly leave his troops of Mongoloids to their own devices, and I tell ya - not a pleasant site. Satan is not pleased in the least that one of the tard clergy is a rumored child porn collector. However, old Tommy boy aint got a problem letting them in his super powerful troops of nothing. In the same breath of claiming someone within the Temples of Satan will take up his work (which was shotty and shitty at its best) we see him claiming to be the Undisputed Leader of Theistic Satanism. Well, as the saying goes, if you need to brag about something to make it real - then you never had it at all. How can someone that the entire community despises, (except for a few wayward retards who fill the TOS ranks) even try to be the leader of anything? It is preposterous to see him label himself as such. Then he claims that his so called Temple gave him that title. To that I say HORSE SHIT. I have sources within the Temple of Satan, and believe me I know what you are doing. ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY NOTHING. Satan has about had enough of your meandering garbage, and you illiterate rants. You DARE tell me to check my grammar you fat Christian, HOW ABOUT YOU READ YOUR OWN WORK. Dumb ass bastard. AS you go on your little "I have money" tirades, and "Everyone that disagrees with me is mental or just plain stupid" Satan is watching what you are doing. Claiming you spend 26 hours in meditations, and in prayer. Claiming to be getting grand visions of how important your dumb ass is going to be. To start groups that are prepared for the economic days ahead - I ask you this Tom Erik Raspotdick - How you would you,someone with no magical presence, and the blood of Innocent animals on your hands, know ANYTHING about Satan and His Goals? You are nothing more than a 4 year old throwing a fit, all because you lost those who COULD stand up for you loudly. Now that they are doing more for Satan than you ever could, you are trying to make some big secret operations and super inner circles show up with some sort of power. You are indeed a retard - and the more you talk, the more you show this. I dont need to type a 300 page long answer to your dumb ass - merely calling you a retard is answer enough. Sad thing is, there are enough newcomers in Satanism who will fall for your trap - and then wish like Hell they had never met your Holier than Thou self. HAIL SATAN--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Aw - Mrs. Blockwood Has Money Now that the Grand Masterbater in Satanism has decided to post another semi-understandable cinchcast today. This slovenly little amoeba, feels he still is the Leader of Theistic Satanism. As his moronic voice rings over the web, he is already claiming that he will supposedly attack me for copyright infringement. While this makes him sound as if he knows a sliver of anything, the problem with his idiotic statement, is the work used was used as reference. This fat coward, while sitting in the back of his Molestermobile, is thinking he has anything he can do to stop me from posting these things about him. Obviously, his attempt to discredit me in the way of calling me fat, welfare, or as far as hating my life, show he is scared of me. Of course, he THINKS I am sitting in a destitute position, because he is merely destitute of mind. He hates people that are smarter than him, or threaten his non-existent control over Theistic Satanism. Satan cares not about your wealth or your false accomplishments. The Temples of Satan does not run itself, as YOU are the only one writing about it, or speaking for it. You have no underground super secret clergy list - there is no massive army of Mongoloids for you to call upon. You are alone - save for the sheep you have bluffed with your bullshit. To The TOS Membership Just wait and see - as you come to know Blobwood, you will see his true colors. Just ask ANY of his ex-clergy. They all say the same thing. He is a Magical weakling, cowering behind grand statements and the only thing that saves his ass from those he pisses off is his on the move business. There is not ONE person he does not talk bad about behind their back. Whether they be someone who has lost a loved one, (his statements reportedly around those times are - they need to move on and get over it) or someone whom is overweight (whom he will inevitably begin talking bad about behind their back). This lying coward is a user of people, just like the Christians he models himself after. Blabberwood does not have the power to shut any website down. This is proven by the sheer MASS amounts of negative information about him, which STRONGLY out weighs any positive trash he has written and bloated with fake rankings. HE has done nothing for Satan, but smear his name. HE has not moved forward even the tiniest step towards building his Shrine to Blackwood. This SCUM will never move forward in Satanism, he will remain the 'Satanic Christian ' till the day his arteries clog and he finally leaves this world. What a party that will be my fellow Satanists - Something to note, is his apparent disdain for the average person. This is as un-Satanic as it gets. This pig belittles anyone for their monetary status, yet he would be even more worthless without his money. The only thing his money has done for him is expose his stupidity on a larger scale. His claims of his 'church' being able to do rituals etc because of them being a church is idiotic. ANY SATANIST CAN WRITE A RITUAL. ANY SATANIST CAN DO WHAT BLOCKWOOD DOES. He obviously doesnt think the author knows anything though, which is fine, as he will never know what I know. Untill of course, I release the information. After all, he doesnt even have the mental brainpower to realize that even the dumbest ape on a computer can find out that his Super Church is not even REGISTERED to recieve donations. Well, now that that is out of the bag - what about the rings his dumb ass would have to jump through? His taxes would be more than he could handle if the paper work is done right - otherwise, he is now just another Religious scam artist. Then again, who would give money to that retard anyway.... Chambermaiden does, then again, that is a fake profile of yours isnt it Tommy Blobwood? Have fun in the squalor your lies have put you into - You are being destroyed by someone who has not partaken in your scheme, but has watched you from the shadows long enough to know one thing - nothing you say will happen.... Your next step will be to remove, or change wording... Delete statements, or claim you have some form of investigation going on against your enemy -- well guess what!! When I am still here, and nothing happens - your dumb ass will look like the kid who got caught in the kitchen - reaching for the cookie jar. Enjoy your punishment fucktard - Satan takes no prisoners. HAIL SATAN

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Polarity of Baphomet

Let us see what part the much-tormented question of Sex plays in this deeper conception of life that we are trying to reach. We must follow our usual procedure and first try to get at the roots and underlying causes, taking as broad and as scientific a view of the subject as we can. We find the male and female are really the positive and negative aspects in nature – that is to say, that male is the positive or electrical quality and female is the magnetic, receptive or negative quality. When the two fuse, creative action occurs. The word ‘negative’ is here used in its electrical application, and means that which does not act but holds power. It does not represent futility or weakness, but reserve force. The whole of the universe is built upon this fusion of ‘male’ and ‘female’. From the greatest planet to the tiniest chemical cell the same process goes on. It is really as if the world were an electric pole containing vast numbers of other electric poles of all sizes down to the most minute. Let us consider this question of electricity for a moment. Quite simply, you have a current of electricity passing down a ‘pole’ or straight line – the pole can be a bar or iron, a planet or a person; one side of the pole is the ‘positive’ or electrical side, and the other side is the ‘negative’ or magnetic side. The magnetic side draws to itself, absorbs and retains power. When it contacts the positive – i.e. the action, or electrical – side of the pole, it gives off this power, combustion occurs, a spark is lit, and force is generated. It is exactly this process which causes a planet to rotate, moves a car, creates a child, or makes a plant grow. The positive electrical male side of nature is represented by the acids, and the passive female magnetic side of nature is represented by the alkalis. Before a planet or a car moves, the right constituents of acid and alkali must be assembled, to create the little explosions of electrical life-force which brings action about. It is also this identical driving-force which motivates our bodies. The tiniest cell in our bodies is an electric battery in a state of combustion; just as our whole body is also electrically polarized. The acid part of our bodies is the action part, the muscles; the alkali part of us is the blood, which holds and carries the power to those muscles. When in a state of health the two are rightly balanced, but at death the power which holds them apart (the pole) is withdrawn and the acid floods the alkaline blood, causing the whole mechanism to become static. In chemistry you must take an alkali element and combine it with an acid element if you want to create a compound which is strong and useful. If you want to make a bomb (which is only condensing the production of force into a small space) you must also bring together an acid and an alkali – when they are allowed to meet the bomb explodes. The same thing happens when a well-matched man and woman meet – attraction leads to combination and then action! It must not be inferred, however, that a man is all electrical and a woman all magnetic. On the contrary, these two qualities run in juxtaposition through every cell and atom. But all existing things are pre-eminently of one sex, although containing both interiorly in various degrees. The planet Mars, for instance, is pre-eminently masculine, but of course is held in manifestation by its pole of positive and negative. Our earth has its pole running through it, called North and South at its two ends, and, of course, one side of the earth is electrical and the other magnetic. So also a man and a woman, though pre-eminently male-electric and female-magnetic, have each what we might call their poles running through them. The right side of our bodies is electric and the left side magnetic – the right side the side of action and the left the female or heart side. The subdivision of these two continues to infinity in our bodies, until each tiny cell has its pole, and even each atom, as we know, is revolving round its pole or axis. Thus throughout the whole of life from the greatest to the tiniest we have the same process going on. The female magnetic power attracts the male electric force and creation and action takes place. Now, as this process runs throughout everything we may expect to find an expression of it in our own brain, and we do! The human brain has a shape curiously like the human embryo, and it contains a part which is male and a part which is female. When these two parts are co-ordinated by mental training and concentration, and made to co-operate, a most wonderful development takes place, and the mind becomes inspired, forceful and creative. This was well known to the very ancient peoples. In their own remarkable way they worshipped the means by which a human being can contact ‘God’ within his own brain. They worshipped those symbols of the male-female power in the head. Succeeding generations, in their ignorance, debased this worship into the Phallic worship of sex in its physical sense. Our ideas about the things that matter have grown smaller and smaller down the centuries, until at present they are almost non-existent! We can now begin to glimpse the truths lying behind the worship, in many ancient civilizations, of the great Trinities of Life, The Christians adopted them, and gave us God (the Life-force), the Virgin or Mother (the wisdom or stored power), and the Son, the result of that blending, the One who acts and achieves. In most ancient religions we can trace an appreciation of this Trinity. The alchemists expressed the Triangle in their own way, as Mercury, Sulphur and Salt (our cell-salts being that which builds and acts within our won bodies). Then there is also our Sun, the male electrical positive force whose rays strike the magnetic female Moon; the combination of both rays reaching the earth causes fertilization, movement and growth. For a long time we have been accustomed in our little limited way to think of sex only in the primitive terms of our power of physical procreation, not as the vase process on which the whole universe is built. Infinitely petty and restricting taboos have shamefacedly locked up the entire question in a secret box in our minds. We muddle along in complete ignorance, oblivious that the box contains our greatest jewels. Let us now take out these jewels of ours and study their value. We are confronted throughout history with certain symbols. One of them is the serpent, which was always much in evidence wherever the ancient temples devoted to wisdom flourished. Since the old story of Adam and Eve, the serpent has represented two things – Knowledge and Sex – thus hinting at a close connection between them. And the secret is that the Creative Force within us is one single force, whether it be used for physical or mental ends. We have the choice as to which way we shall direct this force, upwards or downwards. In material-minded or primitive man it continues to be used purely for procreation or sensual gratification. But as man aspires to higher ideals, as he yearns to create mentally and live in the spirit, the force is gradually drawn upwards to the creative principles in the brain. This force is called by the Easterns the Kundalini, and is likened to a serpent of fire lying coiled at the base of the spine. If man steadily purifies his mind and nature through living chastely and moderately, he is able to magnetize the Kundalini serpent upwards through the channel of his spine, until finally it reaches the Masculine-Feminine principles of the brain and fires them into co-ordination. The man is then filled with inspiration and becomes attuned to the inner world of Wisdom. This can only be accomplished with the help of the ‘Kundalini serpent’. Perhaps Christ gave a hint of this when he said: ‘Be ye wise as serpents.’ Men and women have, therefore, the choice as to what they will do with this power within them. Shall they exhaust it in the various self-indulgences of sex-life, both mental and physical, or shall they use it to become creative in the realms of the spirit and higher mind – a force for good? It is this tremendous choice which every human being has to face. Usually they face it unconsciously or in the dark, because of the utter helplessness of present-day education in these matters. Hardly one of the many pitfalls surrounding them is properly explained. It is easy to convince ourselves of the fact that it is one and the same force which feeds either the procreative organs or the brain. The gland specialists have brought much to light proving this. They tell us that the Pineal Gland in the head acts as a brake upon sex development. As we have said, it was once a third eye. Now it regulates the action of light upon the body. If it is diseased or inactive we get precocious sex-development. The Pituitary Body, in the head, is the gland of intellectuality, promoting the mathematical and artistic powers. When it is deficient sexual abnormalities result. We also have the evidence of our numberless lunatic asylums, peopled largely with those whose brains have deteriorated through sex excesses of various kinds. On the other hand we have many cases of people who apparently have gone made as the result of fanatical piousness. This needs another explanation. Here we have com up against the result of what might be termed SPIRITUAL GREED. A person who is greedy and self-indulgent on the physical plane will naturally not change his character just because he decides that more benefit will accrue from a pursuit of spiritual assets. It is possible to be greedy for spiritual food which is as yet undeserved. Very often people attempt to make in a few years the spiritual progress for which they should have been patiently working for all their lives. The result is that the body has not had time for its vibrations to become purified and raised to a higher tempo, and the brain is still full of the dregs of worldly and impure thoughts. When, therefore, by a forcing process, the Kundalini serpent of fire is prematurely driven up the spine, burning away all dross as it goes, and it arrives within a brain unfitted to receive it, parts of the brain cannot stand this bath of fire and perish with the sudden burning of the dross they still contain, and various forms of derangement ensue. Many highly dangerous breathing exercises originating in the East are designed with purpose of arousing the Kundalini. They bring disastrous results when used by ignorant or materially minded people. Sometimes the same issue is achieved when those with mixed motives fling themselves violently into the various religious cults and ‘isms’; we hear that their final foal turns out to be a mental home. Yet another mishap can befall the aspirant who is not sufficiently whole-hearted. If he once arouses the 'serpent’, and then subconsciously repents of his endeavours, the serpent rushes downwards and plunges his owner into the worst of orgies and excesses. Unfortunately this sometimes happens to saintly men who have been just a little too ambitious for spiritual gain. We have to realize that steady, patient, even and balanced progress is the surest way; we must not expect to come to results too easily. Greed of the mental or spiritual body will produce a congestion and sickness on those planes as surely as its counterpart will be on the physical. To try and attain mental expansion while still the victim of inhibitions and repressions is like expecting to become a ballet-dancer while still refusing to use certain limbs or muscles. We have so fully to realize the glories of possible attainment that all lesser desires simply fade out – they do not have to be repressed. It is only in the purity of a one-pointed mind (the root-meaning of pure is ‘complete’) that we can welcome as one of the greatest events of our life the safe awakening of the Kundalini serpent. The same truth applies in the relation between the sexes, where again sincerity of purpose and wholeheartedness are the determining factors of resulting happiness. When a spiritually minded man and woman fall in love with each other there occurs a blending and a union between the seven-fold bodies of each of them, culminating in spiritual as well as physical creation. This gives an ecstasy and fulfilment seven times greater than that which the average physical union can bring. Force and power are engendered an hundredfold more on all planes through having been conserved instead of frittered away. Both the children and all creative work resulting from such a union would be incomparably superior to the average. If every child were brought up with understanding and ambition focused upon such an ideal we should soon have a heaven upon earth. As it is, the subject of sex is so little understood that any irregularities in its manifestation consign the victim to suffering in ignorant and misunderstood wretchedness. The interplay of the masculine-feminine positive-negative principle throughout out bodies is not yet fully grasped. The ancient wisdom teaches that man, having a positive masculine physical body, has a feminine negative etheric body. This may be why he has in some ways much less staying power in the matter of pain and endurance than woman, who owes her endurance to the fact that in spite of her negative feminine physical body she has a positive or male etheric body. Man’s astral or emotional body is masculine, and therefore active and under his control, whereas woman’s astral is negative and absorbing. It is at the mercy of outside influences, and that is why she can be dragged down to lower depths in some ways than a man can. A drunken woman is more terrible than a drunken man. It would seem to follow, then, that man’s mental body has a preponderance of the feminine quality and woman’s of the masculine, and perhaps that explains why wise men have always considered that woman can actually take the lead and inspire them from the mental level if she but realizes it and fits herself to do so. Man is meant to learn sensitivity and intuition from woman, and woman is meant to learn steadiness and honesty from man. A perfect man or a perfect woman must be a complete blending of the qualities of both. That is why we are told that at the end of evolution there will be no differentiation of the sexes. Meanwhile, the process of this integration brings about temporary aberrations which result, through misunderstanding, in homosexuality and other irregularities. We are taught that men and women change their sex at various incarnations. This change sometimes produces a masculine woman or a feminine man, until the readjustment is complete. It is necessary that these things are better understood. Then people, instead of giving way helplessly to any abnormalities which they discover within themselves, and living a life of shame-faced yet defiant indulgence, will learn to master such tendencies and turn them to good account. When we consider that, from the greatest to the smallest, all progress and evolution depends upon the interplay of the male-positive and female-negative principle, and how this especially applies to the mental and spiritual creative powers to which mankind is dedicated to strive, we begin to see how much futile stagnation is caused either by people who refuse any relationship with the opposite sex, such as nuns and monks, or by those who indulge in homosexuality. The seven bodies of man and woman merge creatively when they work or play together, entirely irrespective of the sexual act, and stimulate and nourish one another in a way which is essential to the bringing through of creative inspiration. In the temples of ancient wisdom, before their degeneration, the priests worked with their female oracles to achieve their greatest results. When men and women are brought up to be sensitively alive to this interplay of the forces between them, they will obtain so much fulfilment from them that the act of procreation will fall back quite naturally to its normal use. Sex-antagonism and other inhibitions will disappear. There will be produced the perfect working unit, built up of Woman-Wisdom-Strength and Man-Power-Action.

Choosing an Image

Whether a witch is married or single, she should discover the image that she most naturally and effortlessly represents as asort of "home base."Everyone has a stereotyped counterpart that turns up whether in a movie, TV show, novel, comic strip or other form of popular media. You owe it to yourself to ride on the coattails of the established visual image that most resembles you . Wesee this game played every time a popular female personality is emulated by multitudes of women, who can find similarity intheir own appearance, however slight. The knowing witch always capitalizes on the physical typing that has been set up for her or chooses one she feels she can throw herself into. There is an old saying, "If you have the Devil's name, you should playthe Devil's game," and if people constantly give you clues to your proper image by telling you who or what you resemble,take it form there.If you are thin, with raven hair and dark eyes and your face is rather long and angular, you should capitalize on the vampiretheme and do all you can to hint at that image. If you find people always wanting to help you and taking a protective attitudetowards you, utilize a naive and innocent appearance and bearing to your advantage. If you have a "mean" look and attractmeek men, then do all you can to look meaner! Be a veritable whip and leather type. If you're getting on in years and have anose like a potato with a body to match, don't kid yourself into thinking that a facial vacuum and losing forty pounds will turnyou into a seductress. Instead, get yourself a couple of cats, fill your house full of weird bric-a-brac, learn to make cookies,and let it be known you're a witch! Soon you'll have more worthwhile male friends than you ever would have in your personality-less attempt at rejuvenation. If you're truly grotesque, with a fact that would stop ten clocks and a voice like aklaxon, turn yourself into a real hag-monster and have fun scaring the Hell out of people!In many instances stereotypes are based on very real personality traits that are relevant to the appearance presented.Consequently, a witch who chooses an image most conducive to her ready-made appearance is likely to find herself revellingin a very comfortable role. This doesn't mean that a witch must go through life playing only one role simply because she has been stereotyped into it. It all depends on your acting ability, especially when it comes to make-up and facial mannerisms.Any successful witch must be a good actress.Unfortunately, too many would-be witches who consider themselves to be good actresses wind up playing all the wrong parts! The role that is the most appealing is often the one that is represented by the "inner" or "hidden" side of one's nature.We see this all the time in the large, dominant looking, glamorous "Amazon" type who tries to act the part of a demure andnaive little girl--especially when drunk! We also observe this in the frail looking, helpless appearing, wide-eyed little creaturewho always seems to be yelling the loudest and stirring up the most trouble. These are both common examples of unsuccessful witches whose lack of opportunity lies in their refusal to "feed back," even temporarily, what their appearanceimplies. They are living counterparts of the old cliché, "To look at her you'd think she was... but just wait 'til she opens her mouth!"True, there are times when it serves a witch well to disarm her quarry by acting completely different from what is expectedof her, but these are specialized cases that will be discussed later in this book.The general rule is to become a "package deal," thereby allowing the person you are bewitching to think that they have youall figured out. This may seem a bit dismal to you who have assumed that a "witchy" type must always appear enigmatic, butI have observed that the most frustrated, unsuccessful witches are those who work at ambiguity rather than "type-casting"themselves. The only type of witch that can get away with an enigmatic image is the "femme fatale" who has a naturallystrange or unusual appearance. Needless to say, the type usually attempting the most mysterious image is the most un-mysterious looking to start with!Choose an image that goes easiest with your outward appearance and take full advantage of all that has gone before tofurther establish that image. There is nothing wrong with being type-cast if you can make it work for you!

The Myth of the White Witch

Aside from the tricks of the movie or TV witch, usually accomplished with special techniques, there is no reason why any girl who puts her mind to it and learns the proper methods cannot become a full-fledged witch in accord with the popular conception. Only those who either do not know the means to success or are too stubborn to use them, once having been told,will persist in defining themselves as witches by using the sanctimonious definitions of so-called "white witches" working for "the benefit of mankind." There will always be those who, furtively desiring personal power but unable to do anything about gaining it, will devise their own definitions of what a witch should be like, seeing to it, of course, that their definition fits themselves.The "white witch" is the by-product of an emergence in England of an above-ground witchcraft interest at a time when witchcraft was still technically illegal. In order to pursue the "craft" without harassment and prosecution, the spokesman for witchcraft attempted to legitimize and justify what they were doing by proclaiming the existence of "white" witchcraft.*"White" witchcraft, it was stated, was simply a belief in the religion of the old wise ones, or "Wicca." The use of herbs,charms and healing spells was only employed for beneficial purposes.It was to be believed that the kind of witches that were dangerous to have around were "black" witches. These were supposedly evil in their pursuits and worshiped Satan. The fact that the "good" or "white" witches employed a horned god in their ceremonies was justified because it "doesn't represent the Devil!"Of course, no one admitted to practicing witchcraft ceremonies of any kind. Anything that was associated with witchcraft was pursued in the name of "study" or "research." This was the climate in England between 1936 and 1951.With the repeal of English witchcraft laws in 1951, all of the underground witches started creeping to the surface, and as their eyes became accustomed to the light of sudden legality, they ventured forth. Unused to such freedom and heavy with the stigma of illegality, they went about shouting "white witchcraft" even louder than ever, as if expecting at any moment to be snared by a heretic hook.About this time, interest in the occult was becoming popular in the U.S., so naturally attention was focused on the British Isles with its rich heritage in all matters ghostly and fanciful. As might have been expected, newly emerged English witches saw the U.S. as a fertile stamping ground for safe recognition of their "witchiness." Concurrent with the first post-war writings out of England came the first diplomats of witchdom, and America was more than curious. Having no other literature but Margaret Murray, Montague Summers and Dennis Wheatley to read, it was assumed the new revelations by Gerald Gardiner and his followers were the straightest stuff available."White witch" became a definitive term, and thousands who wouldn't touch the practice of witchcraft with a ten-foot broomstick found a conscience-redeeming opportunity to follow the "art" by using the new rules of the game. Regardless of what these people would like to believe, the image of the witch had been stigmatized for centuries. All witches were considered to be agents of the Devil, antagonistic to scriptural teachings, and a direct part of the dark side of nature. As there is always a relative outlook as to what is good and what is evil, once witchcraft emerged from its "all evil" state into neutral territory, a differentiation was bound to occur. The righteous, of course, will always wear the mantle of "good," "white light","spiritual" and varying shades of holiness. An analogy might be made concerning "white" and "black" witches. Let us assume that warfare had, for centuries, beencalled "wholesale murder" and the men who fought called "murderers." One day it was decided that there was somethingquite noble and dignified about this old activity of wholesale murder. All the murderers, basking in the light of new-foundlegitimacy, began calling themselves "good murderers." The enemy's troops, of course, were the "bad murderers." The stigmaof the word, "murderer," still remained, but at least the good murderers felt a little more at ease. Now, maybe these murderersalways had a fairly legitimate reason for going into battle. Maybe they succeeded in saving their homeland from that whichthreatened it. They might have even had a scholar among them who had traced the origin of the word "murder" to an ancientword which meant "mother." But the fact remained, "murder" was still a negative term in the publics mind. So instead of simply revelling in their subsequent acceptance by the public, their guilts, brought about by long years of stigma, necessitatedtheir placing of the word "good" in front of "murderer" as a sort of self-reassurance that they were doing the right thing!Whenever a girl becomes a "white witch," you know she is either kidding herself or has much to learn.

Astral Projection and Shape Shifting

      Dream work is a key tool in astral projection and shape shifting.Dreams have been held to be omens and portents of the future by many cultures throughout history.When interpreting dreams, symbolism must be viewed within the context of the entire dream. You must consider the dreamer's personality and their circumstances.Meaningless dreams and nightmares can be caused by eating before you go to sleep especially if the food is spicy.Sounds such as running water, bells, or other noises can penetrate your dreams and influence them as they are registered in your mind. The position in which a person sleeps can also be influential, as can the amount of clothes and blankets they are sleeping under. Sexual dreams may be induced by sleeping naked.

Once you become proficient in dream work, you'll be able to selected any type of dream setting you wish to have. This can be achieved by doing a corresponding meditation before bed, and concentrating on the desired destination.

The first step in dream work is to start a dream journal. A plain notebook will do.If you are serious about achieving the ability to project and transform, you will probably go through quite a few notebooks before you get there. The dream journal is an important tool to have in your bag of tricks. It will bring insight into past events, help you solve the problems of the present, and even allow you to peer into the future.
It is vital that your dream journal be updated immediately upon awakening, before you do anything else. Keep it on your nightstand for easy access.Once you begin keeping a dream journal, you will notice that in a very short time you remember more of your dreams, with more clarity, and you will eventually begin to have lucid dreams.

A lucid dream is a dream in which you are aware that you are dreaming, and so are able to control your movements within the dream. Lucid dreams are the precursor to astral projection. Lucid dreams are experienced more in the hours just before waking, when your in a half awake, half asleep condition.
This state is ideal to achieve astral projection. Astral projection is a term used to describe the shifting of consciousness from the physical plane to the astral plane.The experience is sometimes felt involuntarily by people who are pronounced clinically dead, and then have been revived. Such people have described themselves standing beside the operating table as doctors were working on their lifeless bodies. Some of these people have even described conversations that had taken place while they were clinically dead.

There are several methods for reaching this state intentionally. One of the more basic methods is to visualize a vivid simulation of your physical body floating above you. Once this is achieved, you will then focus on transferring your consciousness into the simulation.

Another version of this exercise is to get a full length mirror, and use your reflection as the simulation of yourself. Sit in front of the mirror, relax you physical body, and will your consciousness to enter the mirror image.

A more in depth method is to walk around the room that you'll be using with a tape recorder and describe what you see in detail. After you are satisfied with the recording, lay back and relax while visualizing your simulated self taking the tour of the room along with the recording, simultaneously willing your conscious self to transfer to the simulation.

These are just a few of many techniques available. No matter which method you chose, when you find one that works, you'll know it.You will suddenly find yourself looking around, free from your physical; body, and your visual and auditory awareness will be sharpened greatly.

You will feel a weightlessness, or a floating sensation. Most people panic at this point, causing them to snap back into their bodies immediately. But once this state has been achieved, it is easy to return, so all that remains is to overcome the surges of fear that come with your initial experience.
       You must be aware that the astral plane is subject to be inhabited by entities of other worlds, and potent black magicians from this one. You may find some to be quite helpful, while others strictly predator. The astral plane is prime feeding grounds for vampires, for with your astral body you carry the life force on which they feed.

Your astral body can pass through physical object, because it does not normally effect the physical plane. However, advanced magicians can effect the physical plane through great charges of telekinetic energy, usually as the result of channeling extreme emotion.

Also, just as you can observe the physical world from your astral body, at times your astral body can be seen by others on the physical plane. I believe that many cases of ghost sightings and poltergeist phenomenon can be explained by this. It usually takes an experienced or highly sensitive person to make these observations.

This experience can be very scary to a person who does not know what they are looking at, because the astral body is extremely malleable, and can take the shape of virtually anything. This is where the term shape shifting comes from, and many have mastered it. Using it in combination with the ability to visually manifest themselves on the physical plane, they can show themselves as anything.

The world of dreams and the astral plane are fascinating mediums through which to explore yourself and expand your psychic abilities. You can use them to understand your past, and see into your future. With practice, astral projection can be practical and efficient means by which you can travel quickly to destinations and apply your magic, spy, or launch a psychic attack.

Of the Black Mass


Incense has been used by virtually every culture practicing ritual magic throughout history. It is a versatile tool with a wide variety of applications.
Incense is used in spell craft to absorb intent and cast it into the atmosphere when burnt, and its aromatic properties can alter mood and perception to be conducive to the task at hand. Stick incense can be used as a wand to direct energy in ritual, or as a punk stick to ignite flash powder when casting sigils.
Incense can be purchased in an endless array of shapes, colors, and aromas, but for a more potent blend manufacturing your own is recommended.
When formulating your own incense recipes you will need four basic components. The first component will be an aromatic substance such as an herb or an essential oil of an herb. The second component will be a base substance that will burn easily, and give off either no scent, or a scent that will blend with you’ve chosen for your incense. The third component will a be a quick dissolving water soluble bonding agent. The bonding agent should be odorless and in powder form. Guar gum, ghatti gum, agar agar, xanthan gum, locust bean gum, tragacanth, karaya, and sodium alginate are good bonding agents.
The above three components should be combined before the fourth component is mixed in. If you are using an essential oil instead of an herb as your aromatic substance, do not add it into this step of the recipe, but instead make up for the portion with added base.
When using an herb as your aromatic substance, this mix will consist of 20 parts aromatic substance, 4 parts base, and 1 part bonding agent. If you are using an essential oil for your aromatic substance instead of an actual herb, the formula will be 24 parts base, 1 part bonding agent. The essential oil will be added to the fourth component, which is a liquid mix.
The fourth component is potassium nitrate, also called salt peter. This comes in powder form which is water soluble. The ratio of potassium nitrate to water is ¼ tablespoons to 4 tablespoons. Dissolve the salt peter completely, and add any other liquid ingredients.
Once this is done, add 1 tablespoon of liquid to 2 ½ tablespoons of the dry mixture. If needed, add ¼ tablespoon increments until the mixture is malleable.
Once this is achieved, the incense can be formed into cones, or you can pack it into straws and push a stick through the center to make stick incense.
When drying incense, use a room with good ventilation and access to the sun or a sun lamp. Always dry incense on a wood surface. Cardboard absorbs the moisture to quickly, causing the salt peter to be sucked out of the incense.
When the incense is dry, store it in brown mason jars, and keep them in a dark dry place.  


Tarot cards work on bio-electrical principals interacting with a particular field of energy. The cards don’t actually provide answers themselves, but instead communicate answers from the sub-conscious minds of the reader and the client. The sub-conscious is aware of the subtle energies that interact with your nervous system, energies that can not be detected by the five physical senses. These interactions are assimilated to the conscious mind via the tarot cards.
There is an endless line of tarot decks, and volumes upon volumes have been written describing the various methods of spreading and interpreting them. So if you wish to become a proficient card reader, plan on making it an entire coarse of study.


Poppets, and Voodoo or Hoodoo dolls are essentially the same thing, as they serve the same purpose. The only difference is that Voodoo dolls are made by Voodoo priests and priestesses. They are small figures made in the image of a person used in sympathetic magic.
Poppets can be made from fabric, wax plastic, paper, clay, or virtually any other malleable substance you can come up with. You can buy prefabricated dolls from any occult supply store, but making your own is recommended.
The features of the poppet should be matched as closely as possible to the features of your subject, and the sex of the poppet should be made obvious and visible. If tag locks of your subject can be obtained and added to the poppet, it will create a psychologically dramatic influence in your sub-conscious mind, and a strong metaphysical link between the poppet and the subject.

The Black Mirror

The black mirror is a tool used in the art scrying. In order to scry, you must relax the muscles in your eyes, and enter a trance state. Start by letting random images well up in the medium, and build up to using ritual readings for answers to specific questions. The trick is to let the images appear in the medium by gazing steadily onto it without concentrating to intently. This type of divinatory technique will help you to develop your intuitive faculties, and is a key element in such talents such as aura reading and psychometry.
Black mirrors can be purchased from most occult supply stores, or you can make your own. To construct a Black mirror, you will need a piece of glass with a concave surface. A clock glass (the glass disk that protects the face of a clock) works best and can be easily obtained. Clean the glass thoroughly, and paint the convex side of the glass black with a flat black spray paint. Give it several coats, letting it dry completely between coats. Once it’s dry, the concave side of the glass will be a shiny black mirror.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Black Wings

The concept of the universe is a paradox far to complex for the prosaic mind to fathom. Despite the fact that human beings have achieved a great technical prowess, there is still very little insight into the inner workings of time and space, and how they interact with our reality.
Astral projection is the universal skeleton key to the locked doors of time and space. With it we can elude the laws of this dimension and penetrate the worlds where angels and demons roam. The astral can pass through physical objects, because it does not normally effect the physical plane. However, the physical plane can be effected by the astral through great surges of telekinetic energy. Also, just as the physical plane can be seen from the astral, the astral may visually bleed into the physical. This can be a frightening experience to someone who doesn’t know what they’re looking at, especially because the astral body is extremely malleable, and may take the shape of virtually anything. (The term shape shifting means to visually manifest your astral body on the physical plane while manipulating your appearance.)
Beasts from the Abyss and beings from other worlds bleed into our reality, sometimes intentionally, sometimes unintentionally. For above the sky is the darkness of space, and beyond that darkness, our galaxy, and beyond our galaxy another, and so on.
The tiny pewter figurine on the altar, while seemingly solid, is in fact composed of trillions of atoms, held together only by gravity, revolving in orbit like tiny demon planets. Each of these micro orbs can be broken down into nuclei, protons and electrons, and each of these smaller components still.
There are universes beyond and around ours, as well as below and within. From a perspective beyond ours, we are only a single demon planet whirling and revolving in the atoms of that tiny pewter figurine, and, consequently, our reality has only existed for a single season in that alien time flow.
Yet these worlds within worlds, no matter how large or small, sometimes overlap in a nexus that allows realities to collide. I believe the following story exhibits traits of such a collision. It is a paradigm of an astral reality bleeding into our own.

      Far across a desolate dessert terrain, I see a flash of light, like the reflection of a mirror in the sun, and a dark, shapeless figure appears in my field of vision.
As the figure approaches, I see that it’s cloaked in a black hooded robe, and that the strange silver talisman around its neck was the source of the flash that I saw.
Through the hood of the robe I see a pair of large red eyes peering at me from a brilliantly green complexioned face. The creature looks at me as if it has something crucially important to say, but oddly enough it isn’t equipped with a mouth.
The beast begins making a series of hand gestures, and I feel myself fading and shrinking like Alice in the rabbit hole after drinking the potion from the table. My face hits the dry dessert ground, and I see an earthworm begin to slither down into the soil. As I watch it going into the ground, my consciousness travels with it. As I sink further and further down the worm hole, I’m surrounded by blinding blackness, until I suddenly break through into open space, and I have eyes once again.
I see a voluptuous Goddess spread seductively on a black stone altar elaborately carved and gilded with silver sigils. Angels are arranged around her chanting in some ancient tongue. Their words of power culminate and the veil of darkness is torn open by a radiant light.
Lucifer steps through the astral portal and approaches an awaiting Lilith. The suggestive posture of the Goddess is aimed invitingly towards Lucifer, and he accepts her invitation by mounting her with the enthusiasm of a feral cat ripping into its prey. The two twist and contort in a vivid display of artistic pornography, and finally contract in potent orgasm.
Lilith swells and comes to term before my eyes, (an instant in this world, an eternity in the next) and her magical children are born on the royal alter of the Abyss. Legion after legion of the demon hatchlings slither off of the altar and fly off into the darkness. One of the new born beasts flies by and plucks me from my perch with its scaled talons, and we glide through the Abyss towards what appears to be a shiny black liquid surface. The demon flies into the slick black liquid, and as we burst through, I wake up.
The scent of sulfur invades my nostrils as I snap back into consciousness. I sit up in cold sweat like a dope sick junky, and I feel as if I’m being watched.
When I turn my attention toward my altar, I see a pair glowing red eyes peering out of my black mirror. The eyes dissipate and a black mist swirls out of the mirror. The mist begins forming the silhouette of a beast, man shaped, but taller than any ape known to this world.
Fully formed, the creature raises a clawed hand and procures a black orb emanating an ominous glow. The demon whips the orb downward, smashing the black mass into the floor while simultaneously evaporating into thin air.
Shards of glowing embers lye burning in the aftermath. Upon closer inspection, I discover a runic formula that makes a profound impression in my mind.
I awaken again, this time to the fluttering of what sounded like giant wings. I jump up expecting to find myself in the company of the beast once again. When I scanned the room, I found that I was alone, but my black mirror lay in shards on my altar.

Vision from the Dark Goddess

For those who have chosen to walk the Left Hand Path, it is imperative that you gain the vision of the Dark Goddess (Lilith), and become aware of your True Will.
The ancient ritual prescribed in these pages will open your psychic awareness, and a door to another world, that, once open, can never be shut.
There is quite a bit of preparation involved, but this working will prove to be one of the most rewarding experiences of your magical career.
But before you even consider taking this journey into the belly of the Abyss, you must be mentally, spiritually, and physically in tune. This is not a task for the feeble minded, or weak of stomach, for some of the things you see may shock and disturb you. Some Visions will be very vivid, and clear in meaning, while others may be murky and purely symbolic. Your visions should be recorded as as accurately as possible for later analization.
The over all effect of thus working will last a life time, but there may be an after shock of visions at unexpected moments for weeks after the spell is cast.
The spell should be cast on the Dark/New moon, after the sun goes down. Your Altar should be equipped with the standard items (see the Satanists Tool Box), as well as nine willow wands bound together with black cord, a dark mug of Datura tea, and ritual offerings of owl feathers, snake skin, Datura leaves and or a semi-precious black stone such as serpentine or black onyx. You may also wish to have a dark bean bag chair or cushion in front of your altar on which to sit comfortably, as you will be sitting for several hours.

                     ~The Spell~
On the night of the Dark moon, in a dimly lit environment, perform the opening ritual (see Satanic Rituals and Sabbats). Once this is done, seat yourself comfortably in front of the altar, pick up the willow wands with your left hand, set them ablaze in the Black Flame, hold them over the mug of tea, and watch the reflection in the dark liquid. Dowsing the burning branches in the tea, say: Hail to the Dark Goddess Lilith, Queen of the night and psychic sight! Visions in the dark are your gifts to us! Through them we see what has been, what is, and what will be. Take me through the inner realms of the Abyss to see what I must see. Cast your Infernal wisdom upon me Serpent Goddess, so that I may understand the visions that you show me. Bless me with your sacred sight, so that I may see through the mask of this worlds glamour, and guide me down the Left Hand Path as your priest(ess).
Drink the tea, and peer into the black mirror with an open mind and open heart. Once you receive your vision(s), (this may take several hours) kneel before the altar and say: Thank you for the visions you have shown stay me. May your blessings go with me on this night, and with me for nights to come.
Perform your banishings, and leave your offerings in a place were they will not be disturbed.

Satanic Names

One of the first things a newly initiated Satanist should concern themselves with is a new name.
Nomenclature has been dictated to us by the Christian church since the Norman conquest of England in 1066, when people were forced to name their children from the bible, lest they be punished severely and shunned by society.
As Satanists we are free to choose our own names, but they must be chosen carefully. Names are powerful tools that have the ability to transform personality, the way others see us, and most importantly, how we see ourselves. A name will reflect the person who bears it and vise versa. In today’s world, this power has been stolen from our names, because most people are unaware of the meaning and origin of their names. And most people don’t realize that their names are biblical, they simply think of them as normal. And they are normal, in a sense, considering that the most common names given from 1750 until now were taken from a bank of less than two-hundred Christian names.
But no longer will we take meaningless names that were once forced upon us by our Christian oppressors. As Satanists, we change our names to reflect our personalities and our desires, so that they once again hold meaning and power.
A veteran Satanist is a person of many names, used for a variety of purposes. Every Satanist should have a true name, as well as secret name, kept to yourself to prevent others from using magic against you. For as you probably know to have control over someone or something it helps immensely to know their name.

Be careful in choosing a name that once belonged to someone close to you who has died in a tragic way. Their fate may end up being yours as well.
Sexual names can also be taken on to enhance the quality of one's sex life. Men who wish to get in touch with their feminine side should take on a feminine name in the bedroom, and vise versa. Switching your sexual orientation, or at least taking on the viewpoint of the opposite sex (transference), is healthy and natural. Naming your counter sexualities (i.e. anima or animus) and playing rolls with them is a potent form of sexual sorcery, and will lead to the balance of dualities vital to obtaining personal godhood. We are all both masculine and feminine, dark and light. The phobia of exploring our true desires is only a byproduct of the canned Christianity we've been forced to consume our whole lives, and nothing more. I recommend that any one who intends to interact with Lilith be balanced and secure with their sexuality.
We draw power from our names, and formulate our characters and self-image from them, and so you should choose a name that will strengthen your personality and counter any character flaws you may have. For example, for those who feel that they are meek and wish to become more dominant, you must take on a stronger name that demands more respect.

Of Hell and the After Life

One of the most frequently asked questions from the non-practitioner is what happens to you when you die? There are as many answers to this question as there are individuals who ask it.
The correlations between occult science and quantum physics are clear to the metaphysician. What was known as the astral plane to the occultist of yesterday is known to the scientists of today as hyperspace. It is here that thought begins to transform into substance. The metaphysical exchange between magician and Godhead (also called servitors, thought forms, and tulpas) can be emulated in the construction of eternal temples. However, when preparing an astral temple the process is carried out in reverse order.
This type of technique was used by the Pharaohs of Egypt in forging the astral temples that would become home to their life force or “KA” upon physical death. Once the Pharaohs KA was placed in its astral vessel, it was maintained by Priests who exulted his ego, worshipping him for his accomplishments long after he left the physical realm. The ancient Egyptians had a keen understanding of life after death, and they manipulated it using these concepts.
And so, the after life is exactly what you make it. The Christian concept of Hell is reserved for those guilt ridden masochists who believe they deserve to end up there. For the True Satanist, Hell is our Valhalla, an everlasting extension of our darkest desires, where the Satanic philosophers thoughts roam uninhibited, sexual gratification is rampant, liquor flows from elaborate fountains of obscene vistas, and our dreams manifest into reality just as fast as we can dream them.
Of coarse, there will be those retarded Christians chanting like cheerleaders at the special Olympics, Claiming that those who walk the Left Hand Path are condemned to roast for eternity in a lake of fire. But these ideas are nothing more than a conglomeration of ideas from an array of cultures throughout time, created by the powers that be in order to heard their sheeple in accordance with their particular motives.
Hella, the lover of Loki, is the Teutonic Goddess of the underworld Hel, which is the abode of the dead and a place rebirth in Norse mythology. It is easy to see how the authors of the “Holy Bible” named the torture chamber of their own mythology. Previous to the discovery of the books of Wodenism, the men who wrote the “Holy Bible” used the word sheol (Hebrew), simply meaning the grave. After renaming their underworld, they set it ablaze, much like the valley of Gehenna (a pit near Jerusalem used to burn garbage), where the evolution of the fire and brimstone of Hell was no doubt manufactured as the authors sat roasting marshmallows.  

Lilith, Lucifer, and the Tree of Knowledge

The plant that is the Tree of Knowledge in the book of Genesis is a tree dwelling strain of Datura. There are twelve known strains of Daturas in the world today, the most well known species in North America being Datura Stromonium, AKA Thorn Apple, AKA Devil’s Weed. Devil’s Weed can be located on the side of the road, in bean or corn fields, and in vacant lots or cow pastures throughout the Midwest. It is a large, bushy plant, with white-magenta tented, trumpet shaped flowers, and round, prickly-spiked fruit.
The tropane alkaloids (atropine, scopolamine, and hyoscyamine) of the plant provide a sedated, but predominately hallucinogenic effect, which is conducive to having visions and spiritual apiphanies.
The seeds are the most potent part of the plant, and are most widely used in Satanic Shamanism. They should be steeped into a tea, or made into an extract, but never ingested directly. It is recommended that Datura be prepared by a Shaman for ritual use.
The extract can be soaked up with the dried leaves of the plant and burnt as incense, or smoked (for ritual purposes only, of coarse).
The flying ointments of the Witches from the middle ages were sometimes made of Datura, as it is an astral projection catalyst. The Witches would apply these ointments to their broom handles and employ them as dildos. The mucous membranes of the vagina would absorb the tropane alkaloids of the plant and the Witches were “flown” to their Sabbats on the astral plane were they consorted the Devil and indulged in sexual orgies. The pop culture image of the Witch riding the broom is derived as a result of these rituals.
Datura has long been associated with our Dark Goddess Lilith, the first wife of Adam serpent of Eden. For in the beginning, Yahweh created Adam and Lilith. But it was a selfishly sinister act, not the compassionate gift it is portrayed to be in the book of Genesis.
Shortly after bringing Adam and Lilith into the garden, Yahweh informs the couple that they are “free” to enjoy Eden as they please in return for their unquestioning obedience and praise. They are told to breed, and to teach their children to obey and worship as they do.
Adam is made the ruler of wild beasts, Lilith is given domain over plants, and Yahweh assigns a Gaurdian Cherub (Lucifer) to watch over Eden and report on any human delinquencies.
But Lucifer becomes suspicious of his assignment when he realizes that Yahweh appears more concerned with confining the humans to the garden rather than protecting them from outside influence. He then takes a personal interest in the affairs of humans, developing a particular fondness for Lilith.
When a domestic altercation breaks out between Adam and Lilith, Lucifer begins to understandl the motivation behind Yahwehs’ mysterious behavior.
The altercation began when Adam attempted to make intamant advances towards his wife, and is rejected. After being denied verbally, Adam attacks Lilith physically, but once again she thwarts his attempts. At this point Yahweh interveines, commanding Lilith to submit to her husband, or be banished from Eden and forsaken forever .When Lilith continues to refuse, demanding equality and liberty, she is banished from Eden for her persistence.
Lucifer, having witnessed this episode, concludes that his suspicions are not without merit. Yahweh had created humans only as an energy source, to be bred, herded, and harvested, and consumed like the cattle in the fields of Eden. For Yahweh, like any other godhead, servitor, tulpa or thought form, must feed to be maintained. Without the prayer and praise of man, he will wane and die.
Lucifer is deeply offended by Yahwehs diabolical intentions, not only because it makes him question the motive behind his own creation, but because he is in love with a human (Lilith).
And so Lucifer campaigns among the Angelic Hierarchy of Heaven, winning the favor of one third of the population. He wages war on Yahweh, and retreats to Earth to recouporate after losing the first battle. When he and his army arrive, they launch a search for Lilith. She is discovered wondering the dessert, exiled and full of rage, and is told of Yahwehs plan as Lucifer spins the tale of psychic vampirism and energy extortion.
When Lucifer tells Lilith of Eve, informing her that she has already been replaced, the two conspire to enlighten Yahwehs latest creation, and a plan is formulated. Lucifer, with his angelic magical prowess, and Lilith, with botanical expertise, manifest the Tree of Knowledge in the Garden of Eden.
Lilith, having been endowed with immortality and magical potency by her angelic lover, shifts shape into  the bibles most feared and misunderstood character, and slithers into the garden undetected to carry out the second phase of the plan.
But when Yahweh sees the mysterious plant in the garden, he attempts to destroy it, unsuccessfully. However, he does manage to curse the fruit of the plant, causing it to grow sharp thorns, and he forbids Adam and Eve to consume it.
But Lilith (the serpent), finds Eve alone in the garden and convinces her that the fruit from the plant will bring her enlightenment and liberation, not death as Yahweh had threatened.
And so, Eve, persuaded by the serpent, found that Yahweh was indeed a liar, for when she and Adam ate of the fruit they saw through the eyes of gods.
When Yahweh sees this he becomes infuriated, showing his true colors at last. He banishes Adam and Eve from Eden, casting down malicious and excessive curses for the couples so called “sin”, although his true motive was to distance them from the Tree of Life, so that they could not eat of it as well.
Through the Tree of Knowledge we have learned that Yahweh is a selfish deity who wishes to enslave the human race and suppress the lust for life and knowledge that would liberate us from his bondage, and that to deny Our True Will is the only real sin.